UAST-1 - installation for automatic welding of non-rotating joints of pipelines with a diameter of 219 mm automatic welding - MIG/MAG

Factory warranty 36 months

Basic data

Diameter range of welding pipes, mm 325 - 1420
PWH-1 welding head rotation speed, mm/sec 0,5 - 12
Electrode wire feed rate, mm/sec 16 - 200
Electrode wire diameter, mm 0,8 - 2,0
Welding torch oscillation amplitude, mm 0 - 20
Welding torch oscillation velocity, mm/sec 10 - 100
Oscillation hold-up on edges, sec 0 - 1,0
Weight the head, kg, not more than 19
Weight the control unit, kg, not more than 8
Weight the current source DC400.33 (DC400.33UKP), kg, not more than 40

UAST-1 is the automatic welding unit of pipe couplings used for automatic welding of pipelines from minimum 219 mm diameter to unlimited maximum, as well as for line welds in any positional attitude.

  • The unit is meant for use:
    - in factory (shop) conditions;
    - at the temperature range from -40°С tо +40°С.
  • Welding may be carried out with the use of the following wires:
    - solid (СВ08Г2С, L-56 or other) in CO2 or gas mixtures;
    - flux-cored (FilArc, FluxoFil or other) in CO2 or gas mixtures;
    - self-shielding (Innershield or other).
  • The unit is used for welding of pipes with:
    - strength class up to К65.

The unit may be used in the following combinations:

  1. Welding of all runs with solid wire СВ08Г2С in CO2.
    Applicable only for pipes not thicker than 10 mm.
  2. Welding of the root run with solid wire СВ08Г2С in CO2.
    Welding of the rest runs with flux-cored wire of FilArc, FluxoFil type or other in CO2.
  3. Welding of the root run with solid wire СВ08Г2С in CO2.
    Welding of the rest runs with self-shielding wire of Innershield NR207 or NR208 type.
  4. Welding of the root run with a stick electrode.
    Welding of the rest runs with self-shielding wire Innershield NR207 or NR208 type.
  5. Welding of the root run with a stick electrode.
    Welding of the rest runs with flux-cored wire FilArc, FluxoFil or other type in CO2.

Advantages of UAST-1

  1. High speed of welding ≈ 40m per hour.
  2. Automatic welding stability and lowered personnel qualification requirements. Worker is rather an operator than a welder.
  3. High welding quality.
    High welding quality is achieved due to the stability and continuity of process, as well as use of special wires.
  4. High deposition rate ≈ 3,6 kg per hour.
  5. Automatic deposition rate is 2-3 times higher than that of hand arc welding.
Commercial Department: 007 (8352) 45-60-01
Service Department: 007 (8352) 43-98-48
Reception: 007 (8352) 58-51-70

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