Workplace PM-10 - precision argon arc welding with a non-melting electrode of annular rotary seams at currents from 1A to 20A automatic argon arc welding - TIG

Factory warranty 36 months

Basic data

Power supply voltage, V 220, +10% -15%
Consumed power, kVA, max 1
Direct welding current (continuously-adjustable), A 1 - 20
Increment of the welding current regulation, A 0,1
Mode of arc excitation Non-contact
Current build-up and current step-down time, s 0...5
Workpiece rotation speed, rev/min 0,5...10
Horizontal feed stroke, mm, minimum 100
Vertical feed stroke, mm, minimum 100
Mass, kg 80
Overall dimensions, mm 720x1250x1228

The working place РМ-10 is designed for the precision tungsten inert gas argon-arc welding of the circular rotatory welds at a current of from 1A to 20A.

The unit is equipped with a unique inverter power supply with microprocessor control, which allows to conduct the stable welding operation at the currents of from 1A.

Mechanical drives of the relocation of the welding torch and the rotator powered by the stepper motor provide a high accuracy positioning of the workshop «torch-workpiece».

These components of the РМ-10 give an opportunity to weld details with a thickness of from 0,1 mm.

Commercial Department: 007 (8352) 45-60-01
Service Department: 007 (8352) 43-98-48
Reception: 007 (8352) 58-51-70

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