DС 315 - inverter type welding machine with current up to 315A welding with a coated electrode - MMA / argon arc welding - TIG

Factory warranty 36 months

Basic data

Supply voltage, V 380, ±10%
Power consumption, kVA, no more 16
Welding current (continuously adjustable), A 25 - 315
Nominal operating mode PN, % at +20°C at a current of 315A 100
Nominal operating mode MON, % at +40°C a current of 315A 60
Operating temperature range, °C -40...+40
Weight, kg 30
Overall dimensions, mm 525х240х445

The DC 315 device is an industrial inverter welding source with a current of up to 315A (PV 100%) with microprocessor control, for welding with a coated electrode and argon arc welding (with contact ignition).

It is designed to work in workshop and field conditions when powered both from a stationary network and from autonomous generators.

The DC315 uses an innovative feedback welding arc control system that provides process control with a frequency of more than 1000 measurements per second. This makes the arc controllable and reduces splashing by 25-30%.

The device is specially designed for the production of installation and repair work, where a consistently high quality of welding is necessary. Warranty - 3 years!

Commercial Department: 007 (8352) 45-60-01
Service Department: 007 (8352) 43-98-48
Reception: 007 (8352) 58-51-70

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