About us

Since 1990 the Technotron scientific industrial enterprise has been specializing in elaboration and production of industrial inverting welding equipment for enterprises belonging to the oil and gas sector, power industry, shipbuilding industry, nuclear industry, mechanical engineering, metal working industry, transportation providers and construction companies. Inverting welding sources possess the following features:

  • light weight (20-30kg);
  • small dimensions (600х250х500);
  • high efficiency (70-80%);
  • low power consumption (10-15 kW);
  • remarkable welding and functional characteristics and reliability.

The equipment produced by the Technotron scientific industrial enterprise is used for:

  • covered-electrode welding;
  • semi-automatic welding performed in conditions of protective and active gases and their mixes, including impulse semi-automatic welding
  • welding with non-consumable electrode in argon;
  • automatic welding of rotative and nonrotative pipe joints and pipes into tube sheets;
  • contact welding;
  • contact welding;

The equipment is certified by the Gazprom OAO industry expertise centre – VNIIGAZ – Certificate. Center of expertise of the licensing system of the Russian State Technical Authority – VNIIST AO. Dozens of thousands of welding machines are used in workshops, during construction of oil and gas pipes, assembling and repair of manufacturing sites. The Gazprom and Transneft structures focus on the equipment produced by TECHNOTRON due to the remarkable processing characteristics, reliability, light weight and small dimensions.

Besides the production of the standard goods nomenclature the Technotron scientific industrial enterprise also specializes in elaboration of special-purpose equipment adapted for the needs of consumers to the highest degree.

The principle approach of the enterprise includes not only production of welding equipment but also offering a solution to the consumer concerning the “welding” task. This task includes the issues connected with technologies, personnel training, shipment of auxiliary equipment, spare parts and accessories.

We develop our own policy devoted to the application of modern equipment and technologies together with a close contact with consumers and a responsible attitude to the activities that we perform.

Commercial Department: 007 (8352) 45-60-01
Service Department: 007 (8352) 43-98-48
Reception: 007 (8352) 58-51-70

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